Derek McIntyre On Screen STV studios Nightshift programme in 2011

Nation Radio Scotland Breakfast show host

McIntyre In The Morning hanging out with singer and Glam Rock legend Alvin Stardust at Blast From The Past

Derek McIntyre On Screen STV studios Nightshift programme in 2011

Project -
Radio Car

Listen to some of the unique places at which we have been asked to broadcast from

A series of radio documentaries about the iconic Titanic cruise liner. Recorded in the city where Titanic was built and launched, originally this was to be a one documentary but it soon expanded into a three part radio programme which ws syndicated and aired around the globe on over 100 different radio outlets. The programme features the relatives of those who went down with the ship and takes a tour of home of the Titanic designer and gets access to the place where the ship was built.
Ever wondered how big Titanic actually was? Well come with us as we take a walk round the place where it was built and in real time discover how long it takes to walk the Titanic.
One year after the 100th annivesary of the sinking of Titanic we return to Belfast to visit the £90 million pound Titanic visitor attraction and find out how the people of Belfast now take a greater pride than ever in the ship thier city built.
Radio Documentaries
Here are a few examples of radio documentaries produced over the years.
A tour of the re-comissioned S.S. Nomandic the original Titanic tender ship and the only surviving link to Titanic thats not on the bottom of the sea floor.
Coming Soon

*UPDATE 2018* We have removed some programmes to archive. We hope you enjoyed the free to download episodes and will replace them with more later in the year.